Our first interview and very promising review :) (Sorry only in finnish)
First page here (340kb), second page here (285kb). Review, here (181kb).
Pics scanned by herr nabel.
29.12.1987 Hotelli, Alavus (as Rigor Mortis) With Matahari, Crom & others |
13.2.1988 NS, Kuortane (as Rigor Mortis)
??.?.1988 Nuorisotilat, Alavus (as Rigor Mortis) |
??.?.1988 Nuorisotilat, Alavus (Farewell gig as Rigor Mortis) |
7.8.1988 Aulava (as Rigor Mortis) with Burning Breath, Tilt & others |
??.?.1988 Nuorisotilat, Alavus (First gig as Spiritus Mortis) One of the worst gigs we ever played... |
9.7.1988 Tori, Alavus With R.O.D & others |
20.12.1988 Yläaste, Alavus One of the best gigs we ever played. Little girls screaming etc... |
29.1.1989 NS, Mäyry Metal Attack. With Astaroth and Stake |
23.3.1989 NS, Alavus Pohjanmaa-rock. |
15.4.1989 Seinäjoki Pohjanmaa-rock finals |
??.?.1989 Lukio, Alavus Again one of the worst gigs ever played... |
11.12.1989 Ähtäri with Persia, Euphony, Black Pearl and Exit |
1?.6.1990 NS, Peränne with Loud Crowd & others. |
16.6.1990 NS, Tuuri with Epidemia & others |
??.?.1990 Minirock, Alavus No memories except, Rn ranta, sunday... |
1.3.1991 NS, Tuuri with Epidemia, Slayer Angel & others |
20.9.1991 NS, Tuuri with Epidemia, Slayer Angel & others |
25.9.1992 YO-talo, Tampere with Compromise Blue |
3.11.1993, NS, Mäyry with Stake & others |
27.1.1995, Nuorisotila, Alavus with Worroar |
?.??.1995, NS, Soini With If, Worroar & others. |
?.??.1996, Hotelli, Alavus Tomi Murtomäki on LeadVox. First song was "Free", Tomi had forgetten to switch on the mike so no vocals. On first tune, E-string on bass was broken, so TM had to play the song to the end without E-string. |
?.??.1996, Ryskoot, Alavus
With Epidemia & others |
?.??.1996, Aulava, Alavus
Tomi Murtomäki on LeadVox |
Then the new era.